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; be brave

director's statement 2020;

Carl-A. Fechner

Climate Warriors

For over 25 years I have been filming the topic of energy and sustainability. At this point, Climate Warriors is the temporary climax, after my films The 4th Revolution and Power to Change. On the one hand, the film shows people who rebel in very different ways for renewable energies and against environmental degradation. On the other hand, we get to know exciting, new ideas and solutions for a better life. Because the energy transition is actually something beautiful!

Exciting. new ideas and solutions for a better life.

I made Climate Warriors because I saw the global energy transition stalled after initial successes. But there are fighters who keep going on and advancing with tremendous energy for our climate and a better world. I went looking for them and portrayed them for this film. And I’m sure that these people impress you just as much as they do me. One thing has become clear to me over the years: renewables are not only good and important for the fight against global warming. They shake the entire added value of the energy industry. And we all can and may participate – worldwide!

Carl-A. Fechner
Climate Warriors

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